
Me? Yes, You. We Need Your Help - March 14th, 2018

ā€œIā€™m amazed and thankful that something I love doing so much is helping someone else catch a break.ā€ These words pierced my ears as Charlene Lyle, a faifthful volunteer and Board Members, said them at a recent meeting. As I listened to these words, my heart skipped a beat. read more

Why are We Here? - February 23rd, 2018

I read with great interest a column by Diana Olick, Real Estate Editor for CNBC the other day. Her thesis is that due to home builders favoring larger and higher priced homes, overall home ownership is becoming available only to wealthier citizens. She reports that sales of homes priced under $100,000 fell 13% in January 2018 versus January 2017, and home sales between $100,000 and $250,000 fell another 2%. Apparently, there are plenty of homes on the market over $250,000 but not nearly enough available in the affordable price range for most buyers. read more

We Can Do More - February 16th, 2018

The unique component of working for or with a nonprofit group is that it doesn't take long to realize the work is never really done. You never really get to the finish line, although we establish in our mission statements that we will work -- work so hard -- until our goals are achieved. Our job is to "keep on keeping on" until we're no longer needed. In our case, we will work until every person in Spartanburg County has access to safe, modest, affordable housing. read more

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