Spartanburg, S.C. – Every first-time homebuyer faces a steep learning curve when it comes to the financial literacy of homeownership.
The desire to buy a home is what drives many to look for the very first time at their credit scores, credit histories, budget constraints, and financing options. They are figuring out what they can afford, who will help them, and what they need to do to prove themselves trustworthy. And lenders don’t always make it easy—credit requirements are far from intuitive, mortgage options can be extremely complex, and some can feel like it’s as overwhelming as learning a foreign language.
This is one central way that Habitat for Humanity of Spartanburg steps into the gap for deserving families in our community. Habitat Spartanburg offers simple mortgages, decent homes, and safe communities—making the entire homebuying process radically more accessible to those in need. Everyone approved for our Homeownership Program also completes Sweat Equity before closing, during which they receive free, hands-on instruction about all the critical knowledge and skills necessary to be successful as a homeowner.
Two of the core classes in our Homeownership Program are offered to participants at no charge through our faithful partners, Carolina Foothills Federal Credit Union and Urban League of the Upstate. Every year, Carolina Foothills puts together a Financial Literacy for Homeowners class for their members and Habitat clients to learn the unique financial challenges involved in homeownership. Urban League offers a HUD-Certified First-Time
Homebuyer Class to Habitat clients and members of the public most months out of the year, where attendees receive in-depth instruction on the homebuying process. Through these classes, every Habitat homeowner learns extensive financial literacy skills—budgeting, saving, credit management, foreclosure prevention, scam avoidance, benefit opportunities, and more!
Future Habitat homeowners also gain access to financial counseling services through Carolina Foothills and housing counseling services through Urban League. Habitat Spartanburg is grateful to have such supportive partners in our community! They help us hand the keys over to every new homeowner with confidence. Every Habitat homeowner knows the essentials to financial success after completing our program and has lifelong access to multiple community resources for support as time brings new challenges into their lives. This is the Habitat difference, and we can’t do it without you!